Travelers flying in to Bali must present COVID-19-negative medical certificate: official

Published on June 5, 2020

The Bali provincial government is now making it compulsory for travelers entering Bali via Ngurah Rai International Airport to present a COVID-19-negative medical certificate, along with several other travel requirements imposed amid the coronavirus outbreak.

As of yesterday, all travelers visiting Bali are required to provide a statement of purpose and another statement from a sponsor, who is expected to be responsible for the traveler while they are in the province.

Travelers flying into Bali will have to provide an additional statement of health indicating that they are COVID-19-negative, which must be based on the results of a PCR test conducted by either a regional or government lab, or a lab designated by the COVID-19 task force in Indonesia.

This third requirement differs for travelers entering the island by ship, as they can prove they are COVID-19-free with a letter based on the results of a rapid test conducted by official labs or any Health Agency across the country. All the letters are deemed valid seven days from issue date.

In addition, travelers are also expected to fill up an application form on a site put up by the provincial government, which would generate a QR Code as proof for checking off this requirement. You can visit the website here.

There are currently no scheduled flights to Bali, as confirmed by Awaluddin, a spokesman from state-owned airport operator Angkasa Pura I, as part of a travel ban imposed a month ago. Based on the latest official announcements, however, Ngurah Rai is set to reopen on June 2 pending possible delays.

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