Bali Safari and Marine Park Launches Initiative for the Adoption and Care of its 400 Animals

Published on May 9, 2020

Despite closing its doors to comply with the Gianyar Regency’s instructions to limit the spread of COVID-19, The Bali Safari and Marine Park remain steadfast in its commitment to provide professional and loving care to its extensive collection of more than 400 animals from across some 60 species.

Following official instructions, The Bali Safari and Marine Park closed its doors to the public on 23 March 2020, until government authorities declare it is once again safe for the public to gather in large numbers without fear of COVID-19 contagion.

As reported by, the closure of the popular Animal Park and Family Entertainment Center located on the outskirt of Denpasar ended all revenue sources for the Park. Part of an animal conservation network operated by the Taman Safari Indonesian (TSI) Group, The Bali Safari and Marine Park places the care and feeding of its animals as its top priority.

Animal keepers, veterinarians, and curators continue to work on the same schedules that were in operation before the COVID-19 Pandemic.

Additional precautions now require that everyone still working at the Park wear protective masks that have been manufactured by the Park for internal consumption. Rigorous requirements on frequent hand washing and sanitation are also now in effect. Large areas of the Park get disinfected regularly.

Thomas Colbert, the general manager of the Bali Safari and Marine Park, says that the cost of the care and feeding of animals at the Park continue to be borne by the Park’s management.

The Bali Safari Park and its affiliates under the Taman Safri Indonesia (TSI) Group are assisted during the current Pandemic with public donations. The TSI Group is comprised of the Bali Safari and Marine Park, Taman Safari Bogor, Taman Safari Prigen, and the Batang Dolphin Center.

Under a TSI Group Program identified with the hashtag #kitacintasatwa (“We Love Wildlife) – the public wishing to assist in the care of TSI’s animals can become an “adoptive parent” of individual members of the animal family at the Park.

Information on the program is available via the Instagram Account @balisafari. Donations can be made via the Bank Central Asia (BCA) account #6801777811 under the name PT Taman Safari Indonesia. The #kitacintasatwa program will remain in operations until the Bali Safari and Marine Park is allowed by the Government to reopen its doors to the general public.

Colbert explained: “The donations received will be used exclusively for the cost of general care, medical care, and feeding of the animals at the Bali Safari and Marine Park and other parks operated by TSI. ”

Colbert said that international friends of the Bali Safari and Marine Park who may be missing the animal kingdom who make their home at the Park can now visit a virtual zoo available on the Bali Safari Facebook Page or the Official Instagram Account. Regular postings, including videos of activities underway at the Park during the temporary closing, can be viewed online.

Children studying at home are sure to enjoy the educational material available on the wildlife kingdom uploaded regularly by the Park.

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